Kansas Riverkings Museum
FIND US AT TWO Locations
1 Riverfront Plaza: Springhill Suites Marriott in Lawrence Kansas
Highland Community College campus in Perry Kansas
Projects and Special Events
We are conducting ongoing research into a past that travels further back in time than our earliest Riverkings, devoting our time to community events, and helping to bring youth programs to our city.

Project 1. Ongoing research
The story of the Kansas Riverkings is an unfinished story. We are searching for information on those who came between 1860-1890, particularly those who may have been in the area prior to free statehood was established.
Current 2018 research involves the search for additional river artifacts. Our team spends time on a monthly basis scouring the river bank and tributaries nearby for remnants of the past. Contact our curator if you would like to participate in one of our outings. It's a great community project activity.

Project 2. Youth
The Kansas Riverkings Museum is dedicated to bringing river history and special programs to young people. We hope to work with the Lawrence School District, Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, and others. Our story is one that is most likely unknown to most of our youth and important piece of understanding how and why Lawrence Kansas developed alongside the Kansas River, how we once used it, and how we use it today.

Project 3. Documentary Film
Be sure to check out any and all locations where our film, When Kings Reigned is screening. Shot on location in 2017 and released in May of that year, it tells the story of the earliest Kansas Riverkings and all they had to endure just to stay alive!